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What is this page?

This is the Kalidog Site Notices page.

To navigate, use the blue buttons at the top of each page. The list may be dif­fer­ent from page to page. There are also links in the text.

1. Privacy Policy.

This site uses stand­ard httpd output to collect in­for­ma­tion of most of the types that a web browser typically broadcasts.

This site doesn't pre­sent­ly use cookies. However, note that sites which are linked to may use cookies.

Data is retained for such periods, and is used for such pur­poses, as are deemed appropriate by site administrators.

Security is one context. For example, logs are used to identify and block malware bots.

CCPA and/or simi­lar privacy laws re­la­ted to large commercial organizations don't apply to this site.

2. Statements of Fact.

Statements are based on belief and best un­der­stand­ing of facts and are not necessarily statements of fact except where this is explicitly stated.

People with knowledge of facts that may be rele­vant to content are invited to sug­gest corrections or additions.

3. COPPA Notice.

COPPA, a law which limits the use of children's in­for­ma­tion in commercial or simi­lar contexts, doesn't apply to this site.

4. Contact information:

Email: me@kalidog.net

5. Background information:

This site was created initially just to serve as the default page for a Mail in the Box email server. The site may be expanded to other uses in the future.

6. License in­for­ma­tion.

Except where otherwise noted, orig­inal content on this site is licensed as follows:

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International

also known as: Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International. For more in­for­ma­tion, click here.

The CC license does NOT apply to content for which other existing and en­force­able licenses exist.

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